So, Why did I choose to call my Blog, Slice of Life? Well, I was thinking about it, and I take life one slice at a time. and so I am sure in a few weeks when I hate the fact I am doing this, because I will become addicted to it
Im quite sure, I will stop and think, this is just a slice of life.
So, anyway I guess I will start from here and now. I am a teacher. some of you cringe at the idea , but its a great job for me. I only have to be dedicated and focused for 10 months out of the year, the other two months I can run around as I see fit!
I am only 22 years old, and I am the youngest teacher on staff... I get teased a lot... but its cool! I work at
RHLS Red Hill Lutheran School in
Tustin. and I am the cheer advisor!
WOOHOO! I get paid to dance and sing and do cheer all day long... its pretty much a job that was made for me!
Today, I have to go get my business attire pants hemmed. caused I am short! its
ok though I
dont mind it! I'm a little sore from working out yesterday, but not bad. And I have a lot of homework, and a lot of editing on this one last video to work on... sigh its going to be a busy day!