Saturday, January 12, 2008

the Mark of The Lion

Ok, so first let me start by saying DONT TELL ME WHAT HAPPENS! I"M NOT FINISHED YET!!!

I started reading the Mark of the Lion series over Christmas... I was sucked in and pretty much had my nose in the book the whole week! I am on book two now... chapter 13... But it was only last night I realized something... Lame that it took me this long, but I realized why the series was called the mark of the lion... like I said lame I know!

I am so sucked into it though... if you havent read it... READ IT... if you are a mother of small children... find a babysitter for a week before you start!

Ok, on another note. I hate living in the hub of Southern California... There is no escape! I think to myself I want to go for a walk through nature alone and just enjoy what God has given me, and spend some time with him... first struggle, CRAP, I have to go find nature... Second, when you do find nature EVERYONE is there... This is January people... who goes to the beach? I mean its cold outside! I just wanted to sit on the shore and watch the waves... but I ended up sitting on the shore watching this massivly obeese woman with her three kids in the water... so I laid back and closed my eyes... then I realized wait! I came to enjoy the scenery! sigh... so lame!

1 comment:

Rose Starr said...

I LOST SO MUCH SLEEP over those books! My mom got me into them and yeah, it took me to the beginning of the 2nd book to get the title too ;D

They are amazing and I won't spill any beans...but you won't get much done till you are through with those books!