Monday, February 26, 2007

on secret keeping and second families...

My mom and dad went to Utah to watch my baby nephew be born... So, off I go to one of my second families houses... Here I have 3 little sisters and one little brother... Machelle is a freshman in College, Marissa is a senior in high school, Megan is an 8th grader and Ricky is a 7th grader...
I have known them all forever, and it really is like my family. So, naturally I get told everything by the kids... The girls tell me every bit of anything that goes on... the good, the bad, and the stuff I dont want to know... I pick and choose what I need to remember and then throw out the rest... Then I pick and choose what needs to be passed onto "mom". Secret Keeping is a hard job. You get blaimed for telling stuff you didnt tell. You get blaimed for not telling enough. You get blaimed for trying to fix things, and attempting to help things out a little. Things are not always explained perfectly, because a lot of times they are not my feelings, and I get blaimed for misportraying things.
But why be the secret keeper? How did I get the job, myabe because I listen well... Maybe because I have screwed up, so people think they can trust me, maybe because I have been hurt so people think I will have some advice. Maybe because people know I care... But most importantly because then I can pray about everything.
I keep secrets, and some I tell... Not because I want to rat you out, but because I care about you, and I want the best for you... so, I'm sorry if the secret keeper doesnt keep everything perfectly kept, but it's a struggle sometimes to know both side of the picture. sometimes there are things mom will need to know are happening, and other times there are things you will need to know are happening... but know this, there are no secrets kept from God, big or small, or even uneventful ones... so, even if I dont tell mom, I tell the big guy upstairs, who knows anyway. On, that note... I love you all...

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