Sunday, February 3, 2008

Wall art

So life in a dorm can be pretty lame sometimes... ok maybe not for most people! But I seem to have this issue with the fact that I'm never really included. It used to bug me, but lately I just find things to do... I made curtains for my bed... I made a couch cover... I decorate the room, and then this girl on my hall made mention of the fact that we can draw on our walls using washable crayons... I must admit I got really excited! I have nothing else to do, and that sounded fun... so, I got me some washable crayons... and I drew and I drew and I drew... now I'm not at ALL artistic... ask my roommate... I am thrifty and creative, but artistic is a far cry from describing me...
So I just decided to put music on and have fun while I colored... Well this is what came out...

They are kind of hard to see being that I dont have a good camera and the flash kept reflecting off the wall... but the first one is based on the verse Proverbs 4:23 guard your heart with all diligence for out of it spring the issues of life... it is a heart with the crown of thorns guarding it from the strike of the serpent...

The second is a cross that represents John 8:32... which says and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.... it has different things that people can be in bondage to. The chains, the crown, the books, the bottle.... religion (the necklace)... and the growth at the bototm of the tree represents the fact that life is found at the foot of the cross...

The third is my picture of peace... It represents Genesis 1:31 where God looked down from heaven saw everything that he had made and said, "Indeed it is very good." its a lake with a little sunrise, and a boat with a fishing pole... just peaceful and pretty... I like it!

So, go buy some washable crayons and draw on your walls! it makes for a fun day!

1 comment:

Rose Starr said...

Sounds fun...but I can't see the pics!