Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Old Poems

A little birdy told me that she knew a few people who enjoyed reading my poetry... so I came across some poems that I had written a few years back, and decided to go ahead and post them for you all... They kinda sit deep with me... hard times, intense struggles... I dont know just enjoy them!

December 02 2005
what if we could go back?
What if we could go back?
If we could return to any time...
To relearn a lesson to change a reaction
Or even to choose a different step in life?
Would it change who we are?
Would it change who He is in us now?
If we could go back would we live more reclessly,
Only remembering tomorrow we can fix yesterday?
What would we change, where would we go?
So many things have made us today...
So many choices have sharpened and shaped
If we took one away would it alter the path?
Would it leave me less than who I am?
We are who we are, because of HIm
If we took that away what would we be then?
The rough spots all iron out in time
They're nothing compared to His plans for this life
He gave us everything He had to offer
What if He looked back and it made Him wonder,
"Should I have taken Him away?"
"Should I have given Him in the first place?"
"Was it worth these people that turn people away?"
"And yet my heart breaks cause I love them..."
What if He would've changed that one thing?
It would change who we are...
Without Him we are still nothing.

November 25 2005
the lies of lonliness
There is an ache of lonliness
that follows an echo inside
it screams loud with pain in silence
and whispers these cooling lies.
like ice on a burn that stings pain away
is this wrenching sence I have
standing in crowds of people
yet my heart is screaming loud.
in the empty space of everyday
it makes its voice familiar
to scream out loud would please it
and leaving it be, is easier.
This fear to hear it speak
is consuming my sleepless nights
it causes fear and hopelessness
and nothing will give it flight.
it remains for me yet another day
and each day thats gone before
it screams out for love and fulfillment
yet the lies it brings are ignored.
This lonley battle rages
in the midst of weakening war
there is only one question
does this battle end the war?

November 19 2005
My heart aches for a home
A place I have never been
There is no journey that can get me there
It lies not at any roads end.
It is not a place to lay my head
Nor a shelter from any rain
It does not know a lonliness
It does not know this pain.
No time spent searching can find it
It seems to have faded away
So many have lost hope for this homeland
Yet not I... I know I must wait.
I will open my eyes to hear laughter
and a voice that I have not known
Yet I recognize its calling
He told me I am His own.
I will not look back in regret
nor fear the things I chose;
Consumed with love I am satisfied
and finally I will be home.

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